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TPCASTT Analysis

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty TPCASTT Analysis

Post  Admin March 6th 2009, 1:10 pm

TP-CASTT Analysis

TP-CASTT is an acronym for title, paraphrase, connotation, attitude, shift, title (again), and theme. It does not necessarily need to be followed in a sequential approach, but rather a fluid process in which the students move back and forth throughout the process.

Summary of

Title: Ponder the title before reading the poem
Paraphrase: Translate the poem into your own words
Connotation: Contemplate the poem for meaning beyond the literal level
Attitude: Observe both the speaker’s and the poet’s attitude (tone).
Shifts: Note shifts in speakers and attitudes
Title: Examine the title again, this time on an interpretive level
Theme: Determine what the poet is saying
1. Look at the title and attempt to predict what the poem will be about.
2. Paraphrase the literal meaning or “plot” of the poem. A true understanding of the poem must evolve from comprehension of “what’s going on in the poem.” For poetry, connotation indicates that students should examine any and all poetic devices, focusing on how literary devices contribute to the meaning, the effect, or both of a poem. Students may consider imagery (especially simile, metaphor, personification), symbolism, diction, point of view, and sound devices (alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, and rhyme).
3. Having examined the poem’s devices and clues closely, you are ready to explore the multiple attitudes that may be present in the poem.
4. Rarely does a poet begin and end the poetic experience in the same place. Discovery of a poet’s understanding of an experience is critical to the understanding of a poem. Trace the feelings of the speaker from the beginning to the end, paying particular attention to the conclusion.
5. Look for the following to find shifts:
1. Key words (but, yet, however, although)
2. Punctuation (dashes, periods, colons, ellipsis)
3. Stanza division
4. Changes in line or stanza length or both
5. Irony (sometimes irony hides shifts)
6. Effect of structure on meaning
7. Changes in sound (rhyme) may indicate changes in meaning
8. Changes in diction (slang to formal language)

6. Examine the title again, this time on an interpretive level.
7. Identify the theme by recognizing the human experience, motivation, or condition suggested by the poem.
First summarize the plot (in writing or orally); next, list the subject or subjects of the poem (moving from literal subjects to abstract concepts such as war, death, discovery); then, to determine what the poet is saying about each subject and write a complete sentence.

In “Janet Walking” Janet awakens one morning and runs to greet her pet chicken only to discover that a bee had stung and killed the bird. The discovery desolates Janet to such a degree that her father cannot comfort her.
1. A child’s first experience of death
2. Loss of a pet
3. Innocence
1. Children become aware of the inevitability of death and are transformed by the knowledge.
2. The death of innocence is inevitable

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty Song of Myself, sec. 43

Post  Atlantisbase March 10th 2009, 12:50 pm

Title: Since this is "The song of myself" it can only be presumed that this section too will address some element of his character.

Paraphrase: I do not dislike religion or its preachers but for myself, I do not ascribe to your organized religions because my religion is the every religion, the religion that encompasses everything and everyone.

Connotation: This may be trying to say that organized religion is not really needed if you retain faith in a power. Organized religion is unnecessary because it limits and confines people, unlike the speaker's religion which is open to all.

Attitude: It is a very all encompassing attitude; but it is tone that is also very agrrogant and holding in the belief that he is right.

Shifts: There is a shift at "One of that centripetal and centrifugal gang.". And another at "Each who passes is considered...".

Title: This section is relateted to the speaker's religion, it is the spiritual part of himself.

Theme: You do not need organized religion in order to find spirituality and God.
Emily Dickinson

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty Re: TPCASTT Analysis

Post  WKeller March 10th 2009, 12:50 pm

I worked with Paul(ito).
Emily Dickinson

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty Katy and Elyssia

Post  katyreb March 10th 2009, 12:57 pm

Title : Song of Myself [24] - A celebration of himself

Paraphrase : He represents all people when he speaks for himself, and he is not afraid to speak up. He feels that his senses are like miracles, they are the most important part of him. He feels a lot of pride for himself, he likes himself as a person.

Connotation : In writing of the pride he feels in himself, Whitman is showing other people that they should feel pirde for themselves, pride in their bodies, in the world, in the things that they have and can do. Everyone is connected.

Attitude : Self-Confident, All-Encompassing, Loving, Celebratory

Shifts : He moves from speaking of himself in the third person to speaking of himself in the first person, to speaking of himself as a representation of everyone. He moves from celebrating people to celebrating nature.

Theme : Everything you have is beautiful, your body, your feelings, the world you live in. You are a part of it, connected to everyone else. Follow your natural impulses, accept people as they are, and do not deny yourself, or others, the full capacity of life's beauty.
Walt Whitman

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty Re: TPCASTT Analysis

Post  candice R March 11th 2009, 12:01 pm

Candice and Anjalene

Title: Song Of Myself (21) - the way he sees the world based purely on his thoughts and beliefs; and no one else’s.

Paraphrase: In this piece of the poem Whitman basically discusses how the many things in life are intertwined and connected; such as male and female, nature and humanity, heaven and hell; but mainly the body and soul. Also he talks about reaching for higher heights and being the best you can possibly be.

Connotation: Whitman uses sensual imagery to illustrate connectivity between nature and humanity

Attitude: Whitman demonstrates and attitude of optimism, sensuality, and enthusiasm for life.

Shifts: In the course of this section, he started with themes of humanity and nature; then he decided to shift to the theme of sensuality. Also there are many shifts in the composition of this poem due to the changes from commas to exclamation marks.

Title: Whitman’s idea of the world.

Theme: The theme was basically how everything in life is connected to one another.

candice R

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty Chelsea and Giulia's response

Post  CDuBs March 11th 2009, 12:22 pm

Chelsea DeBaise, Giulia Paris
AP English Language
3 March 2009


TITLE-“Song of Myself”- Sounds like it will most likely be somewhat of an introspective story about the author himself, writing melodically about every aspect of the author’s being.

PARAPHRASE- The poem is used in order to give the reader a greater understanding of God, of death, and of human relationships, along with the connection between the three topics. It also gives mention to the legacy of God throughout life.

CONNOTATION- In this poem, Whitman used a plethora of metaphors in his poem. He made use of a very sporadic rhetoric, which very well could have been used in representation of the overall pattern of life. He is also a frequent user of anaphora, especially in the second paragraph of page 51, and the ellipses.

ATTITUDE- The attitudes in this section are very interesting, especially regarding God. On one hand he is almost blasé towards him, not bothering himself to worry about him. Yet in the next section he derides anyone who is not confident in their belief in God. It is somewhat contrary, very complex.

SHIFTS- There are many shifts in this story of both the author’s feeling and purpose. As aforementioned, his attitude towards God shifts at several points. Also, his relationship to the reader changes as well, for example, at the beginning of 50 he is speaking almost as a narrator, wherein several paragraphs in his intention shifts so that he is speaking more directly and with the purpose of educating the reader.

TITLE- “Song of Myself”- Upon closer inspection, it seems that the author’s use of “myself” is more of a reference towards human kind as a whole, and the connections between, or “song,” of people all over.

THEME- The overall theme of “Song of Myself” seems to be to reflect the relationship between life, death, and the higher power that oversees the two.
Emily Dickinson

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty TP-CASTT, Elizabeth Gombert/Zoe Johnson

Post  zjohnson2692 March 11th 2009, 8:03 pm

Paraphrase: What are human beings, really? Human beings just exist, because that is what the universe is. I am free because I exist, and I have as much time as I need and want. I am not beholden to others, and others are not beholden to me.

Connotation: By using "I am" anaphorically, he emphasizes his personalization of the universal by giving himself as an example of all humanity. He uses many small symbols to represent his own independence (e.g.: I cock my hat as I please)

Attitude: Independent, confident, yet not arrogant, observing the world with a positive and accepting attitude of all that exists and all that surrounds him.

Shifts: Change from basic questions of human existence, what are we, why do we pray to statements of definites. He doesn't really answer his questions, but he seems to accept simple facts of existence as truths and to strive for a confidence in himself and the world. Use of anaphora to communicate these definites: "I know I am... I know I am..." The stanzas at the end of the poem are more developed (3-4 lines), while the stanzas at the beginning of the poem are shorter(1-2 lines).

Title: "Song of Myself"~ this poem is definetly a celebration of existence and of self, and thus it is appropriate that it should be termed a song. Whitman does not argue his points as he might in an essay, but instead explores existence through simple images and short declarations, as one might find in a song.

Theme: Again, celebration of self, observation of life, existence through the lens of Whitman's self contemplation. He is trying to get the reader to accept the world as it is and to accept self as it is. He is saying that you have every right and independence to do whatever you like, that the world is yours for the experiencing and that you should worry less about why the world is the way it is and just enjoy it.

Zoe and Elizabeth

Shel Silverstein

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TPCASTT Analysis Empty Section 48 TPCASTT!

Post  cWest March 12th 2009, 12:38 pm

Hayley Van Dusen and Caroline West

TP-CASTT Title, Paraphrase, Connotation, Attitude, Shifts, Title, Theme

Title: The Title is Song of Myself. It seems as though this will be about Walt Whitman’s life and will be commenting on what his life is like and where things stand from his viewpoint. Almost like he’s celebrating himself.
Paraphrase: Basically the speaker in this poem is saying that humans are connected with God and their souls. He is speaking of the miraculous nature of human kind, the earth, and God. He thinks that as long as people have sympathy, God’s glory, investment in our earth, and self-sufficiency they will live a good life.
Connotation: There is a lot of anaphora in the first long stanza of the poem. Every line begins with “And…” and goes on to talk about what he thinks mankind should be doing in life and in terms of God and Earth (the relationship between the two). There’s a lot of symbolism towards the end when the speaker talks about letters that he finds in the street carrying the word of God (and written by God).

There is metaphor (purchase pick of earth), Personification (bean in pod), Diction (word choice-God, but isn’t religious @ same time), Point of View (out of body view of human nature, speaking about putting yourself first, from the point of view of someone w/ religious views and is fairly common)
Attitude: Defiance, arrogance, bossiness, omniscient, haughty.
Shifts: This part of Song of Myself has one larger shift, but several indications of more. In the first half of the poem, the speaker explains mankind from an omniscient point of view. However later on he speaks a lot more about God and religion than about people. This shift is shown by the change in stanza form and length. In the beginning there is one big stanza with anaphora and then later on the stanzas are shorter and increasingly straight forward. He also uses an imperative voice when “calling” to mankind and telling them what to do.
Title: The title now seems to mean that the speaker is looking at the world based on his own experiences in life. He talks about his own religious ideas and tries to sound like a martyr.
Theme: The theme of this part of Song of Myself is definitely life, which includes humans vs. nature, humans vs. a higher power, and humans vs. humans. He portrays these different combinations at many different points in this part of the epic poem.

Walt Whitman

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Age : 31

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